
  • The document is the root and entry point of the DOM tree.

  • In the DOM, the null value means no such node.

  • Children of DOM nodes are collections and are read-only and require methods to change them.

  • Use for..of instead of to iterate through children of DOM nodes as loop iterates over all enumerable properties including some special properties we usually do not want to get.

  • document is not an element node.

  • Given a DOM node, we can go to its immediate neighbors using navigation properties.

    • For all nodes: parentNode, childNodes, firstChild, lastChild, previousSibling, nextSibling.
    • For element nodes only: parentElement, children, firstElementChild, lastElementChild, previousElementSibling, nextElementSibling.


  • DOM children

    // the <div> DOM node
    let elem = document.body.firstElementChild;
    // the <ul> DOM node
    elem = document.body.lastElementChild;
    // the second <li>
    elem = document.body.lastElementChild.lastElementChild
  • The sibling question

    • elem.lastChild.nextSibling is indeed always null
    • elem.children[0].previousSibling can be a non-element node so is not always null
  • Select all diagonal cells

    for (let i = 0; i < table.rows.length; i++) {
      table.rows[i].cells[i].style.backgroundColor = 'red';
